Touching back quickly on strong passwords, make sure that the password to your computer is also extremely strong and write it down in your notebook.

Next, before you buy cryptocurrencies or set up any accounts to do so using your computer, you need to make sure that you secure your tech gadgets and check that they are free of any malware.

There is a selection of tools available which allow you to scan your computer free of charge. We recommend using Malwarebytes. You can download Malwarebytes for free and you can also trial their premium package for 14 days.

Click Here or on the image below:

Once you click on the link, you will be taken to a page that allows you to ‘download free’ and the package will begin to download automatically. Once it has downloaded, open the file. If you have trouble opening (unidentified developer), simply right-click on it and select ‘open’.

You will be shown the Licenced Software Agreement which you can read through in your own time, and once finished click ‘continue’ and finally ‘agree’.

Click ‘install’ and fill in your username and password to authorise the download, should you need to (Mac users).


Secure Your Tech Gadgets


Once the installation is complete, Malwarebytes should load automatically. Choose the type of device that you are using and select whether it is a work computer or a personal one. Once you reach the dashboard area, you can begin to scan your computer by clicking on the ‘scan’ tab in the left-hand side.

After successful completion of the scan, your computer is clean and ready to go. If there were any issues encountered during the scan, be sure to fix them by clicking on the ‘clear quarantine’ option before proceeding to set up your accounts and buying cryptocurrencies. This will permanently remove the threat files.



We recommend upgrading to the premium package of Malwarebytes to ensure that your computer is continually protected going forward.

If you want to add an extra layer of security and are using a PC, you can download a Key Scrambler. A key scrambler prevents keystroke logging malware from documenting your login details by encrypting everything that you type.

An alternative option is to use an on-screen keyboard and set up your computer to only allow you to type passwords using this keyboard.

It is imperative that you secure your tech gadgets prior to investing so make sure you complete this step before diving in!


In order to keep your accounts safe

Our first step in ensuring that you remain safe online is making sure that you avoid fake websites. To ensure your safety, we have included all the links that you need within these modules.

Make sure you only click on the links that we have provided throughout these modules to give you access to the correct, secure website.


Up Next: Secure Your Smartphone