
If you want to take your level of security to the next level, you can create an encrypted email just for your cryptocurrencies. This should not include any nickname, name or username that you have previously used for other accounts.

This might be a bridge too far for some of you, but lets face it, your current email provider, Google, Hotmail etc, are spying on you “to be able to better serve you with products you are interested in!”.

To keep your accounts extra safe, we recommend signing up to a secure service. We use Protonmail ; an end-to-end encrypted email service founded in 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland. Their goal is to build an internet that respects privacy and is secure against cyberattacks. If you would like to check out their services, here is a link for a free account; Free Protonmail Account.

Use this email just for your cryptocurrencies and do not share it with anyone. Write the passwords and security questions in your notebook, along with your other passwords.


Up next: Two Factor Authentication